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Management Promotion International is a booking agency and management company formed in Ireland in 2000 by Martin Nolan. MPI represents a host of Ireland's most established international & homegrown acts as well as an ever-growing roster of intercontinental stars. 


MPI proudly represent Paul Brady, King Kong Company, Shane McGowan, Maxi Jazz (Faithless), Sharon Shannon, Obie Trice, Keith Barry, Mary Black, COOLIO, Altan, The High Kings, Finbar Furey, Raglans, Hermitage Green, Dermot & Dave,  The Saw Doctors, Francis Black, Owen Colgan and many more...

In 2013 MPI Opened a second headquarters in Nashville Tennessee under the moniker 'Essential Artists Agency'.

MPI Entertainment

10 Upper Grand Canal Street

Dublin, Ireland


+353 (1) 668 4017

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